It’s February and for most, it’s the hearts month but for the creatives, it’s the arts month. Some of us would say, heART month and emphasize on the art. But there’s more to it than that!
NBS Love Calligraphy 2017
Just last February 18-19, 2017, National Bookstore held an event called Love Calligraphy. It was the second year of the event as well. It started last year at Glorietta Activity Center. This year, they did it in Shangrila Plaza. My theory is because Art Fair is going on in The Link too.
People have been starting to try calligraphy and its different forms lately. It always nice to see people getting into the craft and using it in various things. From gifts to labels and even in monograms or logos, it’s present almost everywhere. Personally, my journey started last 2015 when I bought a starter kit as a birthday present for myself. And as they say, the rest is history.
The Experience
The First Day
Lucky I was to have collaborated and partnered with Marvy Uchida Philippines for two (2) days. What I did was to write a quote or something that is related to love and happiness. Supposedly, I was going to do it on the second day and another one on Saturday. However, due to some reason I ended up doing two works for them.
Personally, I felt insecure and really small when I was there. Other artists who were there are some of my idols and people that I really look up to. From Patrick Cabral, June Digan, Paola Esteron and Celine (@ascorbiceline), they were all there doing such great works! I cried on the second before doing the artwork. I’ve heard some comments last Saturday that stayed in my brain and affected me differently. Luckily, a friend was there to support me last Saturday. It was Yen of D&Y Arts and Crafts! I also got a hug from Ella Lama! She’s also one of the people I truly admire.
Here’s the first work that I did. These are Sab’s words that I wrote for her since she could not make it. I know, I am poor at doing lay-out and other technical aspects of design.
The materials I used are all products of Marvy Uchida:
- Drawing Pen
- Le Plume (alcohol markers since those are permanent markers)
The Second Day
It was lighter than Saturday because Sam was there. He even told me that he will help me design my artwork for Sunday. I got a sermon because I did not ask him for help for last Saturday’s work. I told him that he was at the tournament (Neymar 5) when it began. To be honest, Saturday’s artwork was really unexpected!
These are my words complying with the happiness theme. If you have observed, the two quotes are related. How?
You cannot be truly happy in life if do not love yourself first. When you learn to love yourself, that’s the time that you can be truly happy and make others happy as well.
For this artwork, the circle is not really a circle because it’s a nest. It nurses the words or the quote to inspire others. Honestly, it was supposed to be a different design but my art director (Sam) told me that it would be better. I believe him. He has done more than me and surely, he won’t do anything to embarrass me.
Honestly, this was really fun for me. Doing the artwork while Sam was there. At least, I could feel that even if my works are not the best or the most visually appealing during the event, he was there to support me all the way. And I know that I made it because I love the craft and writing. I strive to inspire aspirants like me.
The materials used were:
- Pencil for drafting the circle and for guides
- Le Plume (alcohol markers)
- Drawing Pens
This is the first time that I got invited to an event about a thing that I love, calligraphy. It gave me such boost and drive to improve on the craft and to continue what I’m doing so others may be motivated to practice more. Not only that, but also it pushes me to be a better scribbler.
Insecurities will always be there. I felt that because maybe people were there and the ones around me are the idols. However, I must strive to make it as a motivation to be also better at what I do. Learning how to change insecurity into a motivation is quite tedious but surely, it is worth it.
Once again, Thank you G and the universe for this! Thank you Marvy Uchida Philippines for the opportunity!
So how about you? Is there something that you are insecure about?
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Sadly, I didnt learn of this event. I so love calligraphy as well though I only tried it a few times. I attended a class before.and promised myself to practice. Sadly, stuck with household chores and babysitting . Or perhaps the motivation to practice isnt there. Maybe inspiration.:)
Wow! Congratulations for joining an event like this. I’ve never really progressed in my brush calligraphy journey. I think I will practice again when I am not busy with anything like my meal preps and taking care of the little one. I still have a few calligraphy materials at home that I can use for practice. Keep your creativity alive!
Your works are beautiful. It is really inspiring to see someone do what they are passionate about. Keep it up, girl!
This looks like a beautiful event. I am glad that getting invited boosted your confidence. I really love the positive slogans you use and the combination of colors. It makes your work give off a cheerful and motivating feeling. Good for you for using your talent for calligraphy to spread positive energy.
Congratulations! I am jealous at your talent in arts. I wish I could do the same thing. I am happy for you because I feel that you are really enjoying what you are doing. Who knows maybe one day you will be the one who will be looked upon. Maybe one day, you will no longer be the student but the teacher. Maybe one day you will no longer be the participant, but a facilitator for such great event. Kudos to your ability!
What a wonderful event! I love the quote you wrote. Being with the people you look up to should not make you feel small and insecure, though. Sure, they may be more talented than you are but they should inspire to be better. Maybe, you can try to look at things through a different perspective
Thank you. It’s true, Mirriam. That’s the real talk there but I can’t help it. Maybe, I’ll learn to look at things differently the next time. 🙂
Congrats! I’ve always been fascinated with calligraphy, my frustration haha. I know that feeling too, getting insecured at times especially when your in a room with the people you look up to but hey everyone started just like you. Let’s not get discouraged but motivated to attain that level too
I think I need a calligraphy class badly. You will not believe I can’t do running handwriting. Each of my alphabet stands separately.
I do love italics but something I couldn’t pic up well. I hope to start off like you one day.
An event about calligraphy, that’s so amazing! Events are great to not only networking purposes, but also to learn more about our craft and push ourselves further. Glad you had such a great experience. Your work is already awesome in any case;)
That’s the thing. It is not knowing what is going on, what you could do, what others could do, that makes you nervous. But like anything else, it’s only in the beginning. You need to give yourself a little more credit. Right here in the Philippines alone, you are so much better than 100,000,000 other people on calligraphy. 🙂
Hello hello! I have actually been lurking here at your blog for maybe a coupla weeks now. Like you, I am a leftie as well and also into calligraphy. I just started last January though, so I’ve got leaps and bounds to go before I could be as good as you are.
I wanted to go to this event as well; unfortunately, I had somewhere prior commitments. I could have met you if I’d gone! Speaking of, are you going to the Inks & Colors CPH meet as well?
Hallo! Thank you for lurking around this tiny space. 🙂 About the Inks & Colors, I don’t think I’ll be able to go. 🙁 Hope to meet you soon though!
I’ve always been fascinated with calligraphy and the beauty of it. I recently got to try it myself and would love to put more time into it. At just the one time I got to try it I see how difficult it is but with passion and consistency you can get better at it.