It has been quite a while since I last saw this and believe me, I just stumbled on this when I googled myself because I was bored. Didn’t even know that I had a Vimeo nor remember that the video still exists because I only remember of its existence on Youtube (via Rej’s channel).
Piano Recital 2008 – Junior Year in High School
This is one of the most memorable recitals I’ve had in my entire existence.
- The piece is by Edvard Grieg and he’s one of the most magnificent pianists I know.
- This was the second to the last time that I played in the St. Agnes’ Academy (SAA) HS Audio Visual Room (AVR).
- The dress was one of my favorites up until I did not fit in anymore because I love food. 🙊
- I was the last to play that time so deep inside, I was proud of the progress that I made that year to be considered one of the best. (I just don’t quite remember if we were the oldest among the recitalists that’s why were the last ones also.)
- When I was younger (elementary years) this particular piece was already played by one of the senior recitalists (again, forgot who it was) and s/he inspired me to become better so I could play it as well.
The video was shot by my friend, Rej (of Superaena). I do apologize for the quality since back then there were no high-resolution phones and she did not have a video camera to capture it as well. The video is cut short because her phone died.
If you really know this piece, you may notice that some parts were not played since my hand were incapable of reaching some notes so I do apologize for that.
I hope you enjoyed watching!
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Wow! I was so impressed. You are lucky you’ve got a video of your recital. I was a Yamaha School of Music Rustan’s student and the only remembrance I have of my recitals are photos. How I wish I’m as good as you.
My mom would usually take videos or snippets of my performance for every recital I had. I just don’t know where are those copies. π As my piano teacher would tell me before, practice at least 3 hrs a day, every day and surely you will be better! Plus, it’s better if you could connect to piece as well. π
Even if it’s cut short, it was a nice piece to hear. I think it’s very difficult to play a musical instrument, as you have to perfectly coordinate your hands with the rhythm. I have tried learning guitar and gave up, I could simply not find the rhythm. So you did a great job here! π
Thank you Joanna π
Regardless of everything, this is adorable. I wish I also learned to play the piano, I only know how to sing. Haha
Anyway, this is my first encounter of your blog. Hope to see more!
Well, I just know how to play the piano and not sing! Hahaha! Yay! Thank you for passing by π
My forte when I was a kid was ballet. But I also wanted to learn how to play the piano. π Continue doing what you love and you’ll surely be happy. Your overall blog aesthetics is really nice too! Will drop by more often. xoxo, T
You are amazing! Even if the video is not the best quality it is still great to have that and be able to share it with others. I love being able to go back to a snapshot in my life where so many memories were connected to it like a recital or a play. Your dress is beautiful but I love food, too, so I get it! π
Wow! Grieg is so dramatic. You sound great! I think it’s so nice that you have this copy. I just went to the music recital of two of my students and I recorded them. I hope they’ll be able to watch the video some day too!
Yay! Thank you! Do you teach music as well? π
Wow, you’re good! I wanted to learn to play back when I was still a kid, but my mom made us focus on acads instead. You’re lucky to find a copy of this!
I think it was good to listen to my mom when she told me I should try it then I learned to love it. It’s never too late to learn new stuff π
Thank you for sharing your love for classical music. I think the millennials should be exposed to this kind of music, as I believe people have forgotten the beauty of magnificent classical music, such as this one by Grieg.
Rachel Arandilla /
I don’t even think the millennials or some of our generation would still appreciate classical music. I do hope that they get to know that before those rappers came to be, it was first classical music. π
You’re really skilled. This is amazing, it really touched me. Classical music can go really deep. Too bad that the quality of the movie isn’t that great, but the sound still is good enough. Lovely to add this to your collection of performs. xo sabine
Thank you, Sabine! π
You sounded amazing! I love piano, too! It’s really heartwarming to look back at the things we did before, especially during those times when things are not that high-tech. I hope the younger generation still patronize and appreciate stuff like this.
Yay! Thank you so much! But I think the millennials might not know what classical music is. π