Have you ever wondered why having a nook at your place is good? One, it could help you relax and think on some things. Two, it doubles as something else.
Why Have a Special Nook in Your Place?
Most of us would require some private me time during some days. Even if we are at the comfort of our pads, apartments or homes, we still feel that we can’t be free somehow. The greatest of people have a home office of some sort where they would think, lounge or just even contemplate on what has transpired during the day.
Believe me that having a special nook is so beneficial! Of course, this will come from my personal experiences being retold in a way that you might find it interesting. I apologize in advance if you get bored somehow.
That Special Nook
Long before, I have a house goal that up until now is in my head. It’s to create a part of the house where I could just be free to read or lounge or do anything art-related. May it be calligraphy or attempting to paint or something.
At first, I thought I would be able to have it in our house in Legazpi. Sadly, the more mature people preferred to put pieces of furniture (made of some precious wood) there instead of a place for lounging. Currently, there are so many wooden furniture there and sometimes, I wish they just converted it into a bench library.
Wouldn’t it be nice to sit on a bench wherein you’d be able to grab a book when you bend over? I imagined it when I saw some book hotel in Japan. It was where you could rent a room and literally sleep beside so many books. Any book lover would totally love it!
So, since it was impossible already. I just thought of creating one here; accessible to me everyday. Though, what would I need to have it made?
Creating the Nook
Since there’s a limit on the budget, at first I tried DIY-ing the nook. I started with thinking of ways on how to have some pieces of furniture that could work as seats for guests or for myself. Searching on online malls and physical malls led me to knowing Ottoman storage boxes.
Ottoman storage boxes double as storage and furniture for your home. I got two pieces which I used to store school related stuff in one box and my art materials in the other. After figuring out that it will serve as seats for the nook, I now looked for a carpet.
Of course, I browsed both online and physical malls for that but the ones in physical malls are far more expensive. I almost bought a carpet from an online mall when my mom told me there’s an extra carpet at home. She sent it here. Only issue it, it does not have an anti-slip feature on its own.
To avoid accidents due to the carpet, I opted to buy puzzle mat pieces from Daiso. A pack costs Php 188 ($ 3.796) that contains 8 pieces already. It’s in squares so it’ll cover 8 tiles as well.
Oh and before I forget, I also bought a floor lamp that has a bendable upper part. I put a warm white bulb to create a soothing feeling.
As I gather my materials for my nook, I realized that I had to rearrange my existing stuff so I would have my nook. From rearranging my shelf, makeshift telephone stand that doubles as storage box and foldable table (for the printer), I finally have my nook!
The Perks of Having a Special Nook
Working on a table can be quite painful for you as well. Your back could get strained and you may feel tired. So sometimes, you just have to lay down a bit and rest. This is why I opted to create the nook right beside my work table.
So to enumerate the perks that I’ve had since I made it, here’s the list!
#1 Diversity
Since working on a table is the most obvious way of working. Doing some work or even studying in the nook negates the laziness somehow. It creates a productive workflow and diversity on how you work. Some may have a different way of doing this but seeing creative decor and feeling a different vibe is always a great feeling. Right?
Change is inevitable so sometimes we get stuck at something. We get frustrated and we need to recharge ourselves just to get back to our former workflow. Having some new twists isn’t always that bad, right?
#2 Improved Workflow
Sometimes, I have a double life. I do some school work and then I do some creative work that lets me earn. At times, I do the school related stuff at the work table. Then for the creative work, I mostly do it in the nook.
Doing work there just gives me inspiration from a different perspective. Since it’s on the floor and I sit on the floor, I get a worm’s eyeview for most of the things. It gives me a new angle on look at things. Something new is not always bad, right?
It helps me to compartmentalize my mind since there are two places where I could work. If it still won’t work, I could work on the bed instead.
#3 DIY Living Room
Aside from the productivity perks that it gives, you have a living room in your place all thanks to this! Well, this is applicable if you live in a studio or 1br unit. If you live in a house, this will serve as a private place where you can just be yourself without prejudice from others.
What I love about this is that I only spent money for the puzzle mats and the Ottoman boxes. The other stuff are just hand me downs or I have it already.
Btw, the Ottoman boxes are so great for small places since it is space saving. You can store stuff and still sit on it!
Another angle to this is that you can change the arrangement depending on your mood. It almost feels like a life-size canvas in the comfort of your home or wherever you’re staying.
Of course, if you’re sick or pregnant, please don’t lift heavy stuff by yourselves.
#4 Own “Me Time” Spot
This is where the self-care part enters. Just in case you need to pour out some feelings or just lay down, it’s also a great place. Sometimes we just have to shut down from the world and even our bedroom can’t handle it.
Our books can give the comfort that we’re looking for. They won’t hurt us, but will just tell stories about damsels in distress or heroes. While reading or creating something, we let go of the hurtful thoughts that have been damaging us. It is replaced by positive thoughts that would eventually make us feel better.
Honestly, this is where I try to comfort myself whenever I’m going through something. Sitting down here in silence or listening to music makes me feel better and that I can just do anything.
So, how about you? Do you have a special place in your homes or the place you live in?
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I can totally relate. I also have my own nook at home where I can do whatever I want. I think it’s very important to have one especially for married couples given you will never have your own room again. It is just my private space and no one touches anything from my nook.
I work from home and my husband made an improvise.office table for me. It is within our living room so imagine the chaos when the boys are around. I couldn’t concentrate much. I transferred upstairs and converted the small.table inside our bedroom as my work station. I felt more at ease. That’s saying that I agree with you on Having your own work station. You could concentrate more and he productive.
I am so sold on the ottomans, I would love to get a couple of those tomorrow! They will be perfect to help me create a work nook here on our small home. They will also be handy in stashing my little one’s knickknacks and toys. Yes, it is very important to have a separate and specific place for work or hobby, not only will it make one more productive but it will be great in organizing stuff around your living quarters.
As much as I want to have my own nook, i simply can’t maintain one lols. It’s like I will have a very nice room with great ambiance on the first day then the next day it will be a total mess. My mom used to scold me.. napaka-kalat ko daw sa kwarto but I agree.. it is always nice to have your own workstation as it will set the mood perfectly. I find myself more productive if I am working alone in my room especially during night when everybody is asleep.