This month’s featured artist is the person behind Ayat Leather. Meet Chux Sagun, the woman behind the fragrant leather goodies.
Featured Artist of the Month: Chux Sagun
Everyone, meet Nadine “Chux” Sagun. She and I met through the self-care event at The Office Project a while back. We were both introduced by mutual friends. In a snap, we got talking about arts and crafts. She’s into leather crafting and writing. Both are such beautiful activities to do.
Getting To Know Chux
Chux Sagun
What made you start with this craft?
I’ve always been in love with leather. There’s something about leather that brings me back to my childhood when afternoons were spent at my Lolo’s office. Back then he had a leather chair I might have been destined to sleep in every single day.
Leather is just timeless.
How long have you been doing this craft?
Formally, just about a year.
Why did you pursue it?
I’ve been collecting leather stuff but I don’t feel like they were meeting my travel needs so I decided to design and make leather pieces that I would take with me when I travel.
Did you have struggles in pursuing the craft? If yes, could share it with us, please?
Pricing was, is and I think will always be a struggle simply because Math and I have been long-time enemies. So my brother decided to make a formula for me but I still bug him to do the actual pricing.
Also, with synthetic and machine-made products, I find it hard to educate some people about the quality they get out of authentic leather and the beauty of the process of making my products by hand. In a time when everything’s just taken in a rush, it’s hard to find people who still appreciate the slow, long hard process of handmade stuff.
Favorite quote?
Not really a quote but more like a mantra.
Keep growing and Protect your passion
What keeps are you doing the craft?
Meeting new people and learning a different culture every time I travel inspires me to make my pieces. Each piece really has a “wonderful” story behind it.
Top 3 favorite tools?
- Stitching pony
- Double face mallet
- Letter punch stamp
If you are to share your tips and tricks with newbies, what would those be?
- Be resourceful because most tools are expensive but if you have a creative mind, things at home can be tools, too.
- Meet people and assess their needs.
If you were to describe the craft in three words, what will those be?
Process over product
Catch Chux / Ayat Leather on:
Ayat means “love” in Ilocano. Ilocano is a dialect or language in the Philippines.

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What a nice feature. I agree that leather are timeless pieces. Its elegant too no matter what the design is. Durable and functional. She’s so talented. What an incredible work of hand indeed!
I love the products! Will check their social media accounts. I love what Chux said “..Protect Your Passion”!
By the way, what was the self care event? Got curious and loved it when I read it 😉
Hallo Cieri! The first self-care event was more intimate since it was a smaller group and the discussion was really focused. The second one has got more lessons to learn, more speakers that shared their expertise. Actually, I was really planning to write about the second one but never have started with it. Thank you for reminding me!
Ive been meeting a lot of talented individuals through your blog. My husband has a friend who is also into leather crafting. He started this passion when one day, he realized his children are all old and left the home to live their own separate lives. He felt the boredom and ask for leather retaso from neighbors who are into shoe business. Since then, he makes key chains and the like to keep him busy when he has no work.
Your friend is still so young. And it such an inspiration that she was able to discover her passion at a very young age. May she discover more of what she wants to do in life.
Wow, there’s really something when you get to meet different talented individual especially,when its related to your talent as well, something that you can’t elucidate much, but you’re just so happy to have met them. Anyway, I admire her beautiful talent and her perspective about life in general. Thank you so much for introducing her with us. Kindly send my regards to her.
This is the first time I read about an individual who likes to work with leather. I personally love leather, purses before anything else. I see Chux enjoys her hobby, and I would love to have something she made. She really protects her passion in an excellent way.
Seems she is so talented with her leather pieces.It is always glad to meet such talented people through your blog.The leather works are always priceless.Those look so beautiful and need more patience too.after all,those are durable too.
She looks very talented with her leather pieces. I like that you support others on your blog. We should all support each other! Its great to get to know new people and especially talented women.
Chux has got great eye for her craft! Pricing is really the terrible part for every creative person. The struggle is definitely different when it comes to prices. Hahaha
Wow! I didn’t know leather crafting is a thing too! Where can I buy this kind of skills and talents? Haha! Leather sure is a classic and timeless piece and it is only fitting to create the most classic styles. Glad she is earning from her passion, only few people can be that lucky. I will most certainly check her products. 🙂
It’s good to know new people who’s also interested on arts the same way as you do. Just like how you meet bloggers on the same niche you are in. It’s like friends who are separated and met again. SHe looks a little geeky to me .
Wow! You have featured a rare skilled artist here. She is so talented in leather making. Am truly impressed with her detailed effort & patience in making an item. Love her works done. Cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing
Leather is classy! Indeed this is a rare skill. The hobby is expensive and serves a niche class of people.
Nevertheless praiseworthy.
Wow, I really admire leather crafters… and I just love leather! It may seem weird to some, but the smell of leather is comforting to me. I love her passion and her dedication to the craft. It’s inspiring to see her story because I’ve been trying to find my fuel in creating an online business while I look after my baby at home. Thank you for sharing her story!
It’s my first time hearing about leather crafting. And though her hobby may be expensive but it’s really all about resourcefulness. I’m sure she’ll get far with her passion for her craft. Can’t wait for more people to appreciate leather crafting 🙂