It’s June which means we’re already mid-2017. Just a few months from now, it would be Christmas. Then, another year will arrive. How do you feel mid-year?
That Mid-Year Roller Coaster Feeling
Last month, I wrote and posted about something about how May was. I did that blog post mid-May and since then, it has become somehow a practice to blog about how I am during mid-month. Honestly, I may have considered myself to be missing in action when it comes to blogging.
Before, I was still able to schedule posts in advance but now, I feel that somehow that part of me is lost. Lost in the sense that she’s taking her break from all the things she has been going through. Realizations happened and sometimes, there are things that change after quite some time. People change, honestly speaking.
But what should matter is how you are when some of the things change. Have you asked yourself if how are you doing or feeling? I bet you haven’t. We are so engrossed with the idea of being stable in life. Yet when that happens, something feels like void. Or maybe, we feel empty. Accomplishing that gave us something to live by however achieving it left us hanging at some point.
Self-Identified Anxious or Depressed
This has been a challenge to almost everyone. Admitting you are not well is a tedious thing. It’s easier to just say you’re okay or you’re fine but deep down you’re dying.
This is how I have been struggling or feeling the past few months. To those who haven’t met me personally, may seem everything’s fine. But, it is not.
I have been researching about anxiety disorder or just plain anxiety and depression for almost a year. Thinking that I may have those but just in denial. As others may not know, consulting professionals may cost you a lot. Sometimes, there’s no guarantee that you would be able to consult. Some of you may wonder how I started feeling this. Believe me, it has been quite a while and I’m just quite grateful that calligraphy and the arts were there when this happened.
To the parents out there, when your child or children share something about mental health, please do not take it as a joke. Not only that but also, please refraining from giving them pressure. You may not realize it now but sometimes even indirectly, we feel it. We know you’re just concerned or what but just not too much. It can be somehow devastating.
Mental health is a serious matter that should not be disregarded. You are wonderfully blessed if the people around you try to support and understand you even if they don’t have a full grasp of it. What matters is they are trying, right?
A person who is not emotionally well cannot do things very well. As you see, emotional quotient is far more important than intelligence quotient.
Through my research, I realized that I really need to cope up with this. There are apps that help but Paralign is the only app that I’ve tried that is seriously helping me.
That Lost Phase
A few weeks back, I posted about adulting. Well, that is a big factor on how I’m feeling this June. There’s that question that always puts me on a pedestal.
What are your plans?
To be honest, I am tired of hearing this. Eventually, we all have plans. It’s just that we have our own paths and discoveries in life before we ultimately reach that plan or dream or goal. Some may thing that I’m still young (already 24) but sometimes, I feel I’m stuck somewhere down that path.
Most of you would think that, what kind of a person am I to be saying this. But, I’m a person like you struggling to support myself little by little and still pursue my passion.
Pursuing your passion is easy for some because they have the money to do so. But for people like me, it’s quite hard. Some would scorn on why we pursue art or anything related to the creative field.
Most would say that there’s no money there. There’s none if you don’t work your ass off to get something. I bet some of you are pursuing art and are being undermined by your other relatives. You are so lucky if they are all supportive about you doing it.
Some would require an end result as soon as possible. They don’t realize that there’s a path to success. It’s not as visible as the yellow brick road but it’s there. We all just have to discover it little by little.
Success doesn’t happen overnight. Keep your eye on the prize and don’t look back.
Erin Andrews
Lastly, so this won’t be a gloomy life lately post.
Actual Good News
There are some thing that are actually good when June arrived. Our finals exams were done so finally, I’m on vacation even if I’m doing some work.
Even if I had some realizations, here are some of the good news:
- We will be popping up somewhere in Makati this June! I’m really hoping that we could showcase our talents to others as well. Hoping to inspire fellow enthusiasts and artisans!
- Honestly, I am nervous about it. Hope you’ll be there to support us!
- I just released my sticker packs for sale at our Cuaderno pop-up! It’s the first time that I made some sticker packs for our pop-up. All the long hours of scribbling, scanning and digitizing paid off when I saw my work printed! It’s displayed there so hope you’ll visit!
- Earning is a bonus on this!
- On the techie part, I’m using this app called duet. I saw this from Camie Juan’s Instagram story and seeing the reviews made me buy it as well. Truthfully, it was worth the money!
- If you’re eager or enthusiastic to get to know this product, I may write a review about it soon! Keep posted!
- Happily freelancing as well! Hoping for more gigs or rakets this 2017!
So that’s how June has been lately for me. How about you?
How’s your mid-year coming?
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I feel you on the self-diagnosing part. Based on what I’ve read and researched, I’ve diagnosed myself depressed since around college. Who knows if I actually do have clinical depression? Like you said, going to a professional for help is costly, not to mention the stigma of being “mentally ill” when you do (sino ang tunay na baliw?). Our country and people still has a long way to go in the awareness of mental illnesses.
I went through a horrid patch in my twenties where I suffered from severe anxiety and depression. On the self diagnosis front, if you feel you are depressed then to be honest, you probably are. Lack of motivation and anxiety around plans is a big sign. You should see a doctor and chat about it. It won’t always mean medication. Some suggest talk therapy as a first route. My name is @Curlysuereview on twitter or my email is If you need someone to chat to or to just rant to please feel free to DM/email.
Emotional quotient is indeed very important. Unfortunately, consulting professionals indeed cost a lot. And it’s a pity that also often people don’t really listen when you talk to them. I have had times where I actually told people I was feeling unhappy. But then some would just be like: Ok, let’s see how it goes from here. Well, if nothing changes, that won’t change either. (Luckily it wasn’t the response from friends or family). But it can be really hard. I hope you can talk some people close to you who really understand.
Totally agree! My mid year self review isn’t going all that well; lost in transit to plan the rest of the year; Hopefully I’ll be there soon 🙂
It seems the year has just started and the time flies so quickly. Ramadan going on now and other things too in my personal front, my mid year is pretty much planned. But then I have to sit and analyse. Nice article.
I’m cramming for it’s mid-year! I really have to accomplish a lot before the year ends. So much goals and plans are in right now, I just hope to accommodate them all before Christmas so when that most wonderful time of the year comes, I will feel more relaxed for the celebration.
The time really seems to fly away. The first half of this year has gone in a blink of an eye for me. Sometimes I get the feeling I will not be able to finish anything planned for this year. But hey, there are still 6 months left, there is still free space to catch up with everything, right?
Thanks for sharing here, after reading your blog title, I start to ponder how’s my mid year for 2017? Frankly, I have been very busy since I decided to be more active in my blogging, attended lots if events, meeting lots of ppl too. I have learnt a lot & still enjoying 😉 cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing
Upon reading this, I reflect if how was my mid-year going. It has been 7 months since 2017 started but I am still working on progress. I love how you ideally presented each of your accomplishments.
I can totally relate to the self diagnosing part, I’ve been planning on seeing a psychiatrist lately because it’s been a roller coaster ride for me as well. One minute everything is doing pretty well then next the world is being dropped on you. I don’t know how this year would turn out because lately I’ve been receiving good news from work from my blog and then something huge hits me and it’s so frustrating. 🙁 but I still hope for the best